Tips for Protecting Your Oily Skin from the Sun

We all love to roam around and have fun whether it’s a sunny day or night out with friends. 

Does oily skin let you down

I can understand when you can’t have fun because of your oily face. It is a bit uncomfortable but not now.

Here are the best tips for oily skin people to roam around under the sun with the best sun protection.

In This Article

  • How does the sun affect my skin?
  • Precautions according to the UV index
  • So, what is SPF and what is its mission in the face of UV rays?
  • Homemade sunscreen for emergency

How does the sun affect my skin?

The sun, awaited all year round for its stimulating action on the production of vitamin D, its antidepressant effect, and the nice tan it provides hides many secrets from you. 

Indeed, in addition to its instant benefits, the sun can quickly become dangerous for your skin.

Risks of sunburn on oily skin, people, spots, allergies, and premature skin aging, and the worst is more oiliness, protecting yourself effectively means preserving the quality and youthfulness of your skin. It is also the promise of a sublime and lasting tan.

Precautions according to the UV index

The UV index is that the intensity of the sun’s rays that you simply receive once your area unit is exposed thereto. In India, the UV index varies between zero and 11+.

An index variable between zero and a pair of is taken into account low, from three to five moderate, from six to seven high, from eight to ten high, whereas the associate index that reaches eleven is assessed as extreme. 

It’s necessary to require precautions to shield yourself from UV rays if the index is bigger than two.

As soon as it reaches 1 or 2 you must apply Best Sunscreen Gel for Oily Skin for your skin protection, the hardness of 1 or 2 UV index is low, but Sunscreen Gel for Oily Skin not only protect your skin from the sun, it also minimizes the amount of oily content on your face/skin.

As soon as it reaches 3 to 5 you should apply / reapply Sunscreen Gel for Oily Skin for your skin protection after every two to three hours and wear a sun hat that shades your face from the sun.

As soon as it reaches 6 to 10, as usual, you must apply / reapply Sunscreen Gel and take full precaution by wearing full sleeves, clothes, hats, shades, and cover yourself with an umbrella

As soon as it reaches 11+, Stop roaming around between 10 am to 4 pm when sun UV rays are at their peak. And follow all the above precautions.

So, what is SPF and what is its mission in the face of UV rays?

We could say that Sunscreen Gel for Oily Skin is the bodyguard of our skin since they prevent our skin from being affected by much of the UV rays. 

This is why we must apply them every time we go out and expose parts of our body to the sun, and favor those that are broad spectrum sunscreen gel, those that block both UVB and UVA rays.

This is true, even though sun protectors do not work the same way in different people, especially because of the type of skin of each person, which is a major factor to take into account. 

Some people get sunburned after 2 minutes of sun exposure, while others can get sunburned after only 30 minutes of exposure.

The choice of SPF (Know what is SPF?) is also an important element. We can find protectors ranging from an SPF2 to protectors with an SPF 50 or called “total screen”. 

Taking into account that an SPF 15 blocks around 90% of UVB rays, that an SPF 30 blocks 97%, and a Sunscreen Gel SPF 50 blocks 99%, we can get an idea of ​​the type of product to choose for not suffer the sun damage to rays on our skin.

However, it is not always a question of choosing a higher or lower SPF, but of applying the product correctly and renewing the application if exposure to the sun is prolonged.

If you want to have complete sun protection, we recommend that you follow the following steps:

  • Apply the sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure so that the skin absorbs it properly and you are protected from the sun.
  • Apply the protector evenly to the affected areas every 30 – 45 minutes.
  • Reapply after 15 to 30 minutes of exposure after bathing, drying off with a towel, or after sweating, as this removes a good part of the protector and therefore makes it less effective.

We must take into account that the skin is the most exposed organ of our body, all the more reason to take care and protect it as much as possible.

Homemade sunscreen for emergency

What if you are out of sunscreen, you must take some backup. So here is the best way to make Sunscreen Gel 

Thick sunscreen recipe

What you need for 100 ml of index 30 sunscreen

  • 30 g olive oil
  • 30g pure coconut oil (not deodorized oil)
  • 40 g of shea butter
  • 30 g of zinc oxide without nanoparticles
  • 5 g of beeswax (or soy wax for a vegan version)
  • 10 drops of vitamin E for storage

You can, if you wish, add essential oils to scent and increase protection.

The preparation

Melt the oils, butter, and wax together in a double boiler. Be careful, the mixture should not boil, but simply soften to become liquid. Otherwise, the molecular structure of the oil and butter could change.

Off the heat, when the mixture has become liquid, add the zinc oxide. It is advisable not to breathe the vapors emitted. You can turn your head or put a cloth in front of your nose if necessary.

Then pour the resulting cream into a spray bottle or a glass jar.

Sun lotion recipe 

What you need for 100 ml of index 30 cream

  • 25 g olive oil
  • 40 ml of coconut oil
  • 10ml jojoba oil
  • 10 g cocoa butter
  • 15 ml of filtered water
  • 5 g of zinc oxide without nanoparticle
  • 5 g of beeswax or soy
  • 10 drops of vitamin E

The preparation

As with cream, the butter, oils, and wax must be melted without boiling them, before adding the zinc oxide.

Using a whisk, mix the preparation, then add the water without stopping mixing. The cream will have the same texture as mayonnaise. Add vitamin E always while stirring.

Why do such hard work when Derma Essentia Provide the Best Sunscreen Gel for Oily Skin with an SPF 50